Thursday, July 29, 2010

I am I the leader of a cult

Hello Peoples...

Yesterday was another boring~ long double people of economcis with Mr Mead.... normally i don't do much.... but talk, text or faceboook ~~ na... i do work XD just not much...

anyway.... Yesterday Henry accused me of being the leader of a cult.... Hell no!!! i may be bossy... but i am not the leader of my little group of azn friends.... so not me!!

thats all i have to say for now.... seeriously i am not a cult leader... too much work >,<



  1. hahaha..... SPELLING ERROR...
    its meant to say 'I am not the leader of a cult'

  2. hahahah lols i agree with you darleen i do the same just not kidding about the no work bit hahah lols nahhh jus kidding :)

  3. Laura must be the leader than, it was mr mead who said it was a cult!
